DIY Easy Dinosaur Bath Bomb Valentines
With Free Printable PDF Files
Are you looking for a fun valentine idea for your kiddo’s classmates? Look no further because I’ve got the BEST idea. This is an insanely easy AND candy free option using these super fun dinosaur egg bath bombs. And BONUS they’ve got a surprise Dino toy inside each one.
I’ve even created free printables for my email subscribers! I know these valentine gifts are sure to be a hit in my toddler’s Pre K class, because what kid doesn’t love dinosaurs? Am I right!? Snag your free printables below when you subscribe to my email list. And check out my Youtube short, showing how I quickly put these together, using just a few supplies.

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Green Crinkle Paper – Optional (Mine was purchased at Hobby Lobby, there are similar options on Amazon, but I’m not linking them because they are overpriced. Check your local craft store or even Walmart in the Easter section)
Clear Cellophane Bags – 5X11″(Mine were purchased at Hobby Lobby, but here’s a similar Amazon Option. These can be found at any craft store or Walmart)
Ribbon or Twine (My yellow polka dot ribbon came from Pop Shelf)
Hole Punch (Here’s the one I’m using. Any hole punch large enough to fit your ribbon or twine will work)
Something to write with (I’m using a pastel purple fine point Sharpie)

Let's Get Started!
Start by printing out my FREE PRINTABLE. Subscribe to my email list for access to these pdf’s.

The download includes a sheet of 12 tags, and 4 inserts. Print the appropriate amount of each page for your requirements. The listing for these bath bombs does state that they are organic, so you’ll notice I did include that detail on the insert so that parents are aware. You’ll also notice I added a grass detail into the file. This is why I note the crinkle paper as optional. I just thought the paper would add a nice touch of texture, but they’ll still be plenty cute without it!
Construct Your Valentines:
Cut up your printables and punch holes in the right hand corner or your tags.
Construct your valentines by stuffing an insert, some crinkle paper (optional), and a bath bomb into the cellophane bags. Then secure with a piece of ribbon or twine, tying your tag into your knot or bow. Easy breezy! Am I right?