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DIY Bluey Inspired Costume Series

DIY Bluey Inspired costumes in a 3 part series

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DIY Bluey Inspired Costume - 3 Part Series

We absolutely adore Bluey in my household. If you’ve seen it, you probably do too!
That’s why we decided to create this crazy adorable costume inspired by our favorite Heelers. This is a 3 part series guiding you through our entire costume concept. They are all no-sew tutorials and attainable for any skill set. Complete just one or all 3 to incorporate into your dress up design. 
Part 1: No-Sew Felt Embellished Garments

Create this simple felt embellished garment using a wash out fabric glue. This dress is from, and was provided by City Threads children’s apparel. The methods in this tutorial can easily be adapted for use on a variety of different garment styles. It can also be completed using a permanent glue option. Printable cut guides are provided, and you can find a full video version in the post description. 

Part 2: Dog Ear Headband & Clip On Tail 

Create this shaggy dog ear headband and clip on tail from yarn. The headband is made from felt and mini pom poms. The tail is made with tassels and a wire enforced spine. Clip This on to any waistband and get ready for a Bluey tail shaking dance party. A printable cut guide is provided for the felt ear pieces. This tutorial can easily be adapted using any color scheme to create a variety of character ideas. You can find a full video version of this tutorial in the post description.

Part 3: No-Sew Grannies Ponchos

“Here come the Grannies!”  – Tackle this easy no sew poncho using jersey knit fabric and Heat N Bond Soft Stretch fusible tape. This tutorial can easily be adapted using the same measurements for a sewn version. Iron all the pieces together and saddle up!  The grannies are ready to cause a ruckus! Full video tutorial linked in the description.

Notes & Links For Accessories Shown

You can find full links for supplies and colors used for each project, but there are a few notes I’d like to make regarding a couple of the accessories shown.

**This section features affiliate links. Purchasing from these links may earn me a small commission.

Eyebrow Additions: You can see in my photos that we added eyebrow hair clips to the girl’s hair. This was a last minute addition so a tutorial for these is not included. But I have attached a close up photo and explaination for how these were created in both the post and the video.

Chattermax & Unicorse toy themed candybags: I did make these bags, but am not providing a full tutorial. They were created by gluing layered felt pieces onto small canvass tote bags. I cut all the pieces for each character using my Cricut. Since this was just a machine cut project and all I did was glue them on, I did make my cut files public in Cricut Design Space. So if you are a Cricut user, (CLICK HERE – coming soon!) to view my write up on how these were created.

Links for Granny Toys:

Grabber Toy (Click Here)

Flower Glasses: I Purchased these sunglasses and broke the lenses out. 

Flower Shaped Sunglasses (Click Here)

Knee High Socks: I Purchased the light blue for Bluey, and Beige for Bingo

Cotton Knee High Stockings (Click Here)

Shoes: Both shoes are converse dupes that were purchased from TEMU, but the listing is no longer active 🙁

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